Choose How You Respond Fund in Memory of Dr. Bryan Douglas

Goal: $10,000.00

Specific Need

All of the money raised on Match Day will go directly to support local families that are dealing with the burdens caused by cancer...every single cent!


Our goal is to be able to offer support to families that have a loved one diagnosed with cancer. 

We hope to be able to ease some of the strain cancer places on a family, whether it be medical bills, living expenses, travel expenses to appointments or something that seems small like a family dinner, paying to take lifeguard training, to play on a sports team--whatever it may be we want to offer a blessing & bring a little bit of normalcy into a situation that has been turned upside no doing of their own.


Dr. Bryan Douglas (47) passed from Renal (kidney) cancer on 3/23/2021, after being diagnosed on July 8, 2020.  He was a well known chiropractor in Emporia that loved taking care of his patients, whom he considered to be family & friends.  Bryan enjoyed helping people in so many different ways, but particularly without anyone knowing he was indeed doing so.  He was simply the best husband to his wife, Lori, best Dad to his children, Skyler & Sydney & a top notch guy to too many to count.  They hope to carry on Bryan's legacy of helping & bringing a smile to everyone's face--just like he did.

The Annual Bryan Douglas Memorial Softball Tourney & Silent Auction is the main source of funding for the "Choose How You Respond Fund". The Tournament was created in 2021, by Gary & Sandy Loucks to honor both Bryan's love for coed softball & for helping people in our community.  Lori, Skyler & Sydney chose to give all the money raised to families that are having to face the burden cancer places in their lives.  When they were on that journey the support they received was completely unbelievable & taught them it was okay to receive the blessings from others, not simply just to give to others.  Life is often a circle & you may find yourself in a place that you never would have expected to be in & others are on this earth to extend a hand.  Since 2021, the 4 tournaments have raised nearly $15000.00.

We are so grateful & cannot express all the gratitude we feel towards the countless people that have shown support to our family in so many ways--you all are a blessing to so many.  Thank you.

Photos & Videos

Match Day 2024
Bryan wrote this quote the day he was diagnosed--we continue to choose to do good & be a light...
Bryan wrote this quote the day he was diagnosed--we continue to choose to do good & be a light...
Family picture taken July 5, 2020--a few days prior to Bryan's diagnosis with kidney cancer
Family picture taken July 5, 2020--a few days prior to Bryan's diagnosis with kidney cancer
Bryan teasing Sydney a bit with a selfie!
Bryan teasing Sydney a bit with a selfie!
That ball was going to right field & I bet he got an in the park homerun!!
That ball was going to right field & I bet he got an in the park homerun!!
Skyler, Lori & Sydney Douglas--2024 Memorial Softball Tournament
Skyler, Lori & Sydney Douglas--2024 Memorial Softball Tournament
Happy Birthday Bryan
Happy Birthday Bryan
2024 DC Crew 2 team--Skyler & his high school friends--Bryan coached all the boys
2024 DC Crew 2 team--Skyler & his high school friends--Bryan coached all the boys
2022 DC Crew 2 Team
2022 DC Crew 2 Team
Dr. Bryan Douglas--Douglas Chiropractic Center
Dr. Bryan Douglas--Douglas Chiropractic Center
August 2020
August 2020


2932 29TH TERR
Emporia, KS 66801
Phone: (620) 481-9478

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