Specific Need
Built in 1900, the Strong City Opera House/Theater/Auditorium is a historical and architectural gem of Strong City and the Flint Hills. Designed by John Frew and constructed by contractor P. J. Norton in beautiful native limestone laid by the Rettiger Brothers, it featured 3 floors, with a stage and sloped theater seating on the second floor and balcony seating on the third floor. The building is one of only a few remaining opera houses still standing in Kansas today.
The first performance held at the auditorium was a grand opening concert on April 19, 1901, by the Modoc Club of Topeka followed by a dance in the ballroom. The building remained in active use for nearly a century, serving a wide variety of events, including musicals, plays by touring companies and local groups, wrestling events, dances, roller skating, and movies. Current and former residents of the county fondly remember attending movies at the theater and roller skating on the first floor through the years.
Unfortunately, in 1993, the building fell into disrepair and, while under private ownership, the roof collapsed. The main structure was rescued through stabilization efforts by the city and the Strong City Preservation Alliance in 2000. Funded in part by Kansas Department of Transportation and Heritage Trust Fund grants, a new roof, masonry repairs and wall bracing stabilized the building until further restoration could be planned and funded.
Fast forward to 2018, through the support of the community and private donors, the alliance was able to contract for architectural drawings needed to begin a campaign to fund the full restoration of this historic theater.
This is where Match Day comes in -- your Match Day dollars will enable our organization and the City of Strong City to have the much-needed matching funds for large grants and fundraising efforts to restore the theater to what it once was. With your support, the theater can continue to be a cultural and community hub for generations to come. Our end goal is to restore the theater back to its original structure with a few modern updates. The Theater will be used as a public venue as well as a theater for the arts.
To restore and preserve the historical structures and environments within the City of Strong City, Kansas, for future generations.
The Strong City Preservation Alliance, Inc. (SCPA) is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, established in December, 2002. The purpose of the organization is to preserve, restore and protect the historic environment with the City of Strong City. Members are volunteers from Strong City, Chase County, and surrounding communities. Due to the deterioration of the theater, special emphasis has been placed on preserving and rehabilitating this building. To date, the Alliance and the City has been an integral part of the restoration of the Strong City Depot and supported the upkeep and painting of the WB Strong Memorial Railroad park. Signature fundraising and community events like the Black Tie Affair, Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Theater, Christmas movies and community events have enabled us to continue the clearing out, preserving, and preparation of the theater for a full restoration.